Connecticut Association of Conservation and Inland Wetlands Commissions  
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Connecticut Association of Conservation & Inland Wetlands Commissions, Inc. (CACIWC) Annual 2024  Conference

“CACIWC's 50th Anniversary”

at the Bristol Event Center


Saturday, November 16, 2024

Marshall K. Berger, Jr.
CT Superior Court Judge

Mary M. Mushinsky
CT State Representative & Deputy Speaker

Jason C. White, PhD,
Director, Connecticut Agriculture Experiment Station

Our Keynote Speaker Panel will include: CT Superior Court Judge Marshall K. Berger, Jr. (retired) and CT State Representative & Deputy Speaker Mary M. Mushinsky and Jason C. White, PhD, Director, Connecticut Agriculture Experiment Station.



Check back for details





Check back for details.


SUPPORT CACIWC and promote your brand to an audience of passionate conservation/wetland professionals:


  • SPONSOR the Annual Meeting (many sponsor tiers and benefits)

  • EXHIBIT at the Annual Meeting (make an impression through the day – reduced rates for NONPROFITS!)

  • ADVERTISE in the Annual Report & Conference Brochure (distributed the day of the Annual Meeting then posted online)



For information on our Annual Meeting,
please email us at:

  © CACIWC, Inc. All rights reserved.    
GHD Stearns Wheler