Connecticut Association of Conservation and Inland Wetlands Commissions  
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Legislation  swans


CACIWC’s efforts will focus on legislative initiatives that best support Conservation Commission and Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission responsibilities and the conservation and protection of our natural resources.

For more information and to track proposed environmental legislation go to the Environment Committee section of the CT General Assembly’s web site Click on “Bills Reported out of Committee”.

Priority: active lobbying efforts with verbal & written testimony.

  • Amendments to strengthen and/or prevent weakening of the Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Act (IWWA)
  • Legislation and funding for open space preservation
  • Separation of land-use commissions; fight efforts to combine commissions

Support: written testimony and some lobbying, as needed,

  • ATV universal registration & ATV damage control
  • Conservation Commission strengthening by expanding enabling legislation: New Initiative
  • DEP funding; stop loss
  • Invasive plants prevention programs

Tracking: closely watch for important changes.

  • Bottle bill expansion
  • Clean water fund
  • Green fund conveyance tax initiatives
  • River Front Protection: Conserves natural vegetation along rivers and streams
  • Sprawl control
  • Water supply land protection initiatives




CACIWC’s mission statement includes, “ promote the legislative mandate of Connecticut Conservation Commissions and Inland Wetland Commissions / Agencies, and to foster environmental quality through education, and through conservation and protection of wetlands and other natural resources.” Methods for accomplishing this includes - providing advice and appropriate action on legislation and governmental affairs.



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