Connecticut Association of Conservation and Inland Wetlands Commissions  
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CACIWC Publications  wetlands
pdf Position Paper No. 1 - Inland Wetlands Commission Training
"The 1996 amendments to the Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Act specifies training requirements of Inland Wetlands Commissioners. The Connecticut Association of Conservation Commissions (CACIWC) firmly believes that the minimum requirements outlined in the legislation are insufficient and that the level of IWC required training should be greatly exceeded. Further, CACIWC believes it is critical that a sufficient number of dedicated staff and consultants be made available to IWCs."
pdf Position Paper No. 2 - Combined versus Separate Conservation and Inland Wetland Commissions - “It is CACIWC’s position that every Connecticut town should have a Conservation Commission, and that the duties and responsibilities of that commission should not be combined with another town board or agency.”
pdf Position Paper No. 3 - Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commissions: Separate versus Combined with Planning and Zoning Commissions
“It is CACIWC’s position that a municipal commission or agency established to carry out the regulatory and administrative functions and responsibilities of Connecticut’s Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Act should not be combined with a Planning, Zoning or Planning and Zoning Commission.”
pdf Position Paper No. 4 - Upland Review Areas: A Position on Minimum Width and Areas of Impact:
CACIWC supports inclusion of a 100 foot Upland Review Area in the municipal inland wetlands regulations as a minimum area of review to properly assess the potential impacts of a proposed activity on inland wetlands and watercourses.
pdf The History of Conservation Commissions - "Nothing in the world is so sure of success as an idea whose time has come". With these affirmative words, the conservation commission movement in Connecticut began to evolve.
pdf The Habitat - THE HABITAT is the newsletter of the Connecticut Association of Conservation and Inland Wetlands Commissions (CACIWC, Inc.).
pdf Annual Report and Conference Brochure
pdf Handbook for Connecticut Conservation Commissions - This handbook is part of the effort to ensure the continuous success of conservation commissions throughout Connecticut. By offering explicit suggestions of ways to improve performance and efficiency, the Handbook for Connecticut Conservation Commissions provides a means by which every commission may improve upon itself.

Celebrating Connecticut's Conservation Commissions: A Guide for Local Action - CACIWC announces a new publication that celebrates the community actions and contributions of Connecticut's Conservation Commissions. This 81-page publication contains 144 project descriptions. Projects can be cross-referenced using the Table of Contents by Town and an Index of Projects by Topic that lists 57 topics, the town and the title of the project.



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