Connecticut Association of Conservation and Inland Wetlands Commissions  
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Support CACIWC

Gifts and Donations
Through "The Habitat", CACIWC, Inc.’s quarterly newsletter, our web site and our sponsorship of workshops, CACIWC, Inc. has reached an increasingly larger audience of inland wetlands and conservation commissioners, commission staff and other municipal land use commissions. The scope of our activities has reached into the community to support and strengthen the mission of Conservation and Inland Wetlands Commissions. We have done this with no staff and an annual budget of less than $9000. Considering that local land use decisions have the greatest long term environmental impact on Connecticut’s landscape it is important that we strive to sustain and improve CACIWC, Inc.’s educational out reach to municipal land use commissions. Would You Like To Help?

A number of commissioners and friends have answered YES and asked how they can support CACIWC, Inc. initiatives. In response the Board of Directors has created a Supporting Membership Category. CACIWC, Inc. is a non-profit organization given 501(c)(3) status by the IRS: Contributions made by individuals and organizations to CACIWC, Inc. (except for $15 to cover mailing costs of "The Habitat") are tax-deductible, as allowed by law. Supporting Member participants who choose not to receive their own individually mailed issue of "The Habitat" can consider the entire contribution tax-deductible.

Individual Supporting Membership and Donations

  • Saw-whet owl Supporting $35 or more
  • Long-eared owl Sustaining $50 or more
  • Great-horned owl Benefactor $100 or more
  • Ten-year membership $500 or more
  • Life-time membership $750 or more
  • Business or Corporate Supporting Membership
  • Supporting $100 or more Sustaining $250 or more
  • Benefactor $500 or more Philanthropist $1,000 or more

The confidentiality of members who wish to remain anonymous will be respected.

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