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Resources, Tools & Links

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All references/links on this page have been combined with references from central and right columns of the Home page. They have been grouped into 3 categories; CT Based Natural Resource Guides and Tools for making Land Use Decisions; Land Use and Smart Growth Guides, References and Links; and General Environmental Topics—Conservation, Wetlands, Pollution Prevention

CT Based Natural Resource Guides and Tools for making Land Use Decisions

The Connecticut Botanical Society website has helpful photos and information for plant identification, including aquatic and wetland plants. The Connecticut Botanical Society welcomes commissioners and other CACIWC members to contact them for any botanical support.

Connecticut Environmental Conditions Online (CT ECO) The Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the University of Connecticut Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR) have launched a new website, Connecticut Environmental Conditions Online (CT ECO) that includes the latest and most accessible online maps and tools for viewing Connecticut's environmental and natural resource information. The CT ECO website can be found at

Connecticut’s Forest Fragmentation The University of Connecticut Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR) has made available on the web their statewide forest fragmentation analysis. The forest fragmentation maps allows you to pick out the general pattern of how the green forested areas of your town or watershed have been changed by development and be able to describe those patterns objectively, and in some detail.

CT DEP Watershed Based Plans and Watershed Management Plans On-line information on developing Plans including links to guides and completed Plans. Excellent resource.

Introduction: Connecticut's Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Act The wetlands training DVD is now available on the DEP Wetlands Management Section’s web page as streaming video. Please see the following link: DEP Educational Videos

Connecticut Forest Resource Assessment and Strategy Document-2010 With close to 60% of its 3,179,254 acres of land in forest, Connecticut is one of the most heavily forested states in the nation. Ironically, Connecticut is also one of the most densely populated states. This is a guidance document meant for the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection's Division of Forestry, and our forest conservation partners in academia, extension, non-profits, regional, municipal, and private landowners.


Land Use and Smart Growth Guides, References and Links

Your Environmental Toolkit for Properly Assessing Development Proposals
CACIWC is pleased to provide Conservation Commissions with a environmental toolkit pamphlet to help commissioners properly assess development proposals that may come before their town. Click here to download pamphlet.

Smart Growth Guide for Coastal and Waterfront Communities The guide includes an overview of the unique development challenges and opportunities along the water and provides specific approaches to development that include a description of the issues, tools and techniques, and case studies. For more information and a PDF version of the publication, visit the web site.

The Green Valley Institute   GVI's new website is easy to navigate and provides a lot more information for those addressing natural resource and community growth issues in the Quinebaug-Shetucket Heritage Corridor and other areas of the state. Information on the website is organized by topics for municipal leaders, conservation commissioners, landowners and land trusts. There is a new planning and design section that focuses on plans of conservation and development and master plans, land use regulations, community design, smart growth and sustainable development. The conservation commission page has a great new example of a local natural resource inventory and a subdivision review checklist - just to name a few. There is also a publications page with downloadable fact sheets and brochures.  


New website permits easy mapping of natural and cultural resources.

UConn and DEP website permits easy mapping of natural and cultural resources.
The University of Connecticut (UConn) and the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) have a new website that will allow local land use decision makers to practice better landscape stewardship and protect important natural resources in their communities.

The site, the Community Resource Inventory (CRI) Online ( enables visitors to create a series of key natural and cultural resource maps for any of the state’s 169 municipalities, without any specialized knowledge of mapping or computer mapping technology. These maps provide essential information for land use planning at the local level. The maps are based on CT DEP and UConn statewide data. They include water resources, land cover, protected open space, and wetland and farmland soils, in addition to such cultural information as roads and utility service areas.


Watershed Forestry Resource Guide Website Website is a central clearinghouse for all things related to forests and watersheds. Recent efforts towards managing urban forests for watershed health have resulted in a variety of highly useful tools and training materials. This site compiles these resources into a format that can be easily accessed and downloaded.


General Environmental Topics—Conservation, Wetlands, Pollution Prevention

The Conservation Program Handbook; A Guide for Local Government Land Acquisition A manual providing all the information – on a broad spectrum of topics—that conservation professionals and commissioners are likely to encounter; includes a list of “best practices” for the most critical issues.

DEP's Pollution Prevention Newsletter   Pollution Prevention (or P2) is preventing or minimizing pollution rather than controlling it once it is generated. The control approach has serious drawbacks, including high costs, increased liability and the risk of moving it from one place to another, such as from the air to the land or from the land to water. Explore the topic to find out how you can prevent pollution at home, work, school and more

Long Island Sound's (LISS) Web site has gone through a makeover! The new design adds more graphics and content and makes it easier to find the hundreds of pages of existing content about the Sound and the efforts of our partners to restore and protect it.


Field Guide Connecticut's Invasive Aquatic and Wetland Plants, 2010 © 2010 The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, Gregory J. Bugbee and Martha E. Balfour; Bulletin No. 1027

Our Better Nature A new educational website with articles about conservation, open space, pollution prevention, wildlife and general environmental protection topics is available at The site also has a comprehensive list of acronyms and a glossary of environmental terms. Organizations are welcome to link to the site, and to reprint articles from it for their hard copy newsletters. Suggestions for future articles, or comments or corrections can be emailed to Bet Zimmerman at



A new educational website with articles about conservation, open space, pollution prevention, wildlife and general environmental protection topics is available at The site also has a comprehensive list of acronyms and a glossary of environmental terms. Organizations are welcome to link to the site, and to reprint articles from it for their hard copy newsletters.

Suggestions for future articles, or comments or corrections can be emailed to Bet Zimmerman at



Helping land owners, towns and land trusts to find farmers that want to sell their farms and farmers that wish to sell their land with potential buyers. Go to , or contact Jane Slupecki for more info: 860-713-2588. Farmlink is another success due to PA 228, the Community Investment Act.



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