Connecticut Association of Conservation and Inland Wetlands Commissions  
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Connecticut's Supreme Court Upholds
Wetland Protection

CACIWC, Inc. asked David H. Wrinn, Assistant Attorney General in the Environment Department of the Office of the Attorney General, and Gregory A. Sharp, an environmental lawyer and partner in the law firm of Murtha Cullina LLP, to provide their views on the importance of the state’s Supreme Court ruling in Queach Corporation v. Town of Branford Inland Wetlands Commission (September 25, 2001). Their collaboration on the following articles has ensured that the views expressed are complimentary and provide guidance for local commissions regarding regulation outside of wetlands and watercourses. The articles by Attorney Wrinn and Attorney Sharp, respectively, do not constitute a legal opinion. Local agencies should always consult with land use counsel as to particular situations.


The Reach Of Queach: Regulation Outside of Wetlands and Watercourses After Queach Corporation v. Inland Wetlands Commission, 258 Conn. 178 (2001), by David H. Wrinn, July 16, 2002


Vernal Pools, Queach, and Preserving Biodiversity through Upland Regulation, by Gregory A. Sharp, Esq., July 16, 2002


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